Cyber Survival Guide 🏕️

There are many things we can do to raise our resilience online, and thinking about all of them at once may feel like it's all too much, or perhaps becomes a bigger project in our minds to put off until we have more time (which doesn't often come, let's face it). It's important to keep in mind that every step we take to put new learnings into action is raising our resilience online.

You may have noticed that we are big on being proactive and preventative. Part of this is having a plan if a breach in our defenses does occur.

The National Cybersecurity Alliance has put together this Cyber Survival Guide to prepare us to respond if we suspect a computer virus, if one of our accounts has been hacked, if ransomware has made it through your protection, and they've even some tips on how to avoid being scammed. The guide is simple, approachable, not too long (10 pages of large font with pictures!), and quite cute.

Grab a cuppa, check it out, and school up on their tips today.


Cyber Check-ins ✅


3 Simple Actions